Tuesday 21 May 2024
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Start a daily log and file system

Start a daily log and file system

What you may not realize is the legal process can take months if not years to settle.

It is important to get a spiral notebook and start making entries of pertinent facts, times and dates of conversations with your ex spouse or the children’s father. It could be crewed remarks, harassment, disturbing text messages, voicemails, not following court orders, court ordered visitation interruptions, or suspicious activities, observations of anything that might help you in your case. No one knows your case better than you.

This will be very helpful when and if needed to present to the judge.

Also keep a file, ask your attorney for copies of all documents, then store them in one spot. Even after your case is settled events and circumstances change that may require representation once again, such as “ a change of circumstance – one parent wants to move to another  – State or out of the local area – child support changes ect…

Have another log for conversations with your attorney, track minutes you discussed your case on the phone as well as office visits. You should receive a monthly statement in the mail from your attorney, cross checks and verify the hours you are being billed for. Discrepancies are easier to dispute if you keep track.  Also know if you dont pay your Attorneys bill when he finishes representing you , the end of a case, or your firing of him or her she or he will put a lien on your home for the full amount due, make a negative mark on your credit through collections.  Remember they due deserve to get paid for their services, but sometimes discrepancies on the amount owed come up and when they due you will find hours is the biggest discrepancy.  You think they are your friend and will just talk to you about your case, but think again Ching Ching that is how they get paid .  Sorry to say it that way but it is a fact.