Saturday 4 May 2024
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About the author of this website

My goal is to provide a well organized and easy to navigate website where single parents can come to, learn, and read about different Resources available to them in there critical time of need. You will find many different subjects to browse through. After finding the subject that fits your individual circumstances, my goal is to give you the best possible Resource to help you for that subject. You will sometimes find a hyper link to another website, a goverment agency or perhaps choose from a variety of books that relate to the topic/subject to purchase off the site and read at your leisure in the comfort of your home.


Experience gives Wisdom and I have a passion and desire to pass on the wisdom I have learned throughout the years to other single parents & young woman.  I want to help each and every viewer who may come to this website in hopes to find an answer to a problem they might be facing and hopefully ease some of their fears of the unknown. It is the unknown when going through something that produces fear, once you gain knowledge and understanding and become familiar alot of that fear subsides.  Family Law is I believe and in my own opinion has been made complicated purposely ( A Billion dollar business )  so we have to hire attorneys even when we cant afford them. Filling in  the forms, and getting in front of a judge is really not that hard or intimidating if you understand the process and understand it is just a quick few minutes, waiting your turn and which forms you need.   What is making it hard is the hundreds of forms, or knowing your courts individual courts rules to follow. Most all Judges are kind , understanding and accepting of one representing themselves.  If you experience one that is not just make the best of it.

Another passion of mine is Our Legal System. I am convinced the Court system does not fix our problems, only people do. We are all a work in progress, and we all need heavy dosages of Love, Forgivness, Patients, Kindness and Understanding. 



Question :

If you could spend all your time on one issue you are passionate about, an injustice you see or have experienced What would that be ?

Most laws are quite old, and need to be updated to fit the needs of Today’s Generation of Single Parents going through a Divorce. or facing Child custody issues. We need Attorney’s but we need to keep them accountable, and the cost down, most single parents can’t afford an attorney, it costs way too much for the average family or single parent. The money could be well spent on the children themselves who need it. Families are suffering due to the cost of Divorce; they are loosing homes, cars, filing for Bankruptcy. We need to come up with Real solutions to the problems that are facing so many families today, and that someone could be you, you’re calling in life. I hope to inspire each and every person who comes to this web site

Get informed, Get involved, Get inspired