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Is Drinking milk good for our children ? What are the hidden dangers found in milk

Is Drinking milk good for our children ? What are the hidden dangers found in milk


and the products made by it contain a combination of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals aong with growth-promoting hormones. Milk increases blood levels of insulin like growth factor 1(IGF-1) a growth hormone that promotes cancer. Milk is also a high casein, a protien that promotes cancer.

Every person has to come to his own conclusion on this matter but here is some alarming information to digetst, process, and determine if you should be feeding your children milk.

Most Americans have been brainwashed when it comes to dairy products. commercials” Milk does the body good ” but in fact modern milk is toxic Dr Fancis says ” a toxic soup”. Milk is filled with 59 biologically acive hormones, dozens of allergens, up to 52 powerful antibiotics, pesticides, herbacides, PBB’s, diox-ins ( up 200% safe levels) ,blood,pus,feces, solvents, viruses, excesssive bacteria, and even radio-active compounds.

Of the 59 biologically active hormones contained in your milk. One is the powerful growth hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) IGF-1 instructs cells to grow. People with the highest levels of IGF-1 experience the most cancer. IGF-1 is known to be a factor in the rapid growth and proliferation of breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancers and likely to play a role in all cancers. Cows treated with synthetic growth hormones such as BGH produce milk especially high in IGF-1. Drinking only one glass a day will double the IGF in your body.

Ice Cream worse than drinking milk

Most of the milk used to make ice cream comes from rBGH-treated cows and one serving of ice cream gives you 12 times as much of this powerful cancer accelaerator as you would get in 1 serving of milk because IGF-1 gets concentrated in the cream. Most ice cream is also loaded with sugar and other toxic chemicals including artificial colors, flavors,and processing aids. Most ice cream also contains Carrageenan which is a thickening, emulsifying and stabilizing agent. Carrageenan has an inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect on the body, and degraded carrageenan is a known carcinogen.

Carrageenan is also used in yogurt, custards, jellies,cream cheese, cottage cheese, and other dairy products as well as Chocolate products, pie filling, salad dressings, soups, soymilk, as a fat sustitute in processed meats.

Virtually all milk is pasteurized and homogenized This processing substantially changes the chemical and physical properties of the milk and for many reasons makes it less nutritious, more toxic and more carcinogenic.

Mis guided information by the Dairy Industry who pay lobbiest and politicians not only to advocate for them but to market their industry and put pressure on the FDA The Food and Drug administration to keep it among the top pryimid of a healthy diet for children in our schools.

Check out this link showing the donations from lobbyist and companies

Click Here

Great informative site, a website dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family scale farming community , through research and education helping us make better choices in the food we put in our bodies.

Click Here to read more on Carrageenan

What is Carrageenan ? Why is Carrageenan in processed foods and beverages ? Why is it harmful ?

click Here

Walmart going all in on organic is it good or bad consumers

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Read about Organic milk


Real Milk vs Almond Milk vs Soy Milk vs Coconut milk

Read this post informitive

Dr Colin Campbell says the most powerful cancer driver is milk protien, Casein, the predominant protien in cow’s milk promotes cancer at every stage.

materials in this post are from a Book called” Never fear cancer again” by Raymond Francis also on the Documentry off Netflix” What the Health” googled articles
Dr. Colin a world renowned nutrition researcher and author of the book “The China Study
I found it so alarming I had to write about this topic

Books to purchase on this topic

The China study

The China Study Cookbook plant based meals

Never Fear Cancer again

The Health Hoax

DVD movie “What the Health”