Friday 19 April 2024
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Check out Today Books for successful Co-Parenting

Check out Today Books for successful Co-Parenting

The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omaritan

The Power of a Praying Parent: Deluxe Edition

Raising Kingdom Kids

Family First by Dr Phil,

a must read for single and blended families. Your child’s psychological needs are greatly increased during and after a divorce. Your child lives in the middle of a economic and emotional roller coaster, and experience guilt, fear in addition to confusion.  Dr Phil explains why you need to minimize the price your child has to pay for you and your ex being un-able to sustain your relationship.

Co-Parenting with a toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids Against You by Amy J.L. Baker PHD

Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households after Divorce by Deesha Philyaw

The Good Karma Divorce by Michele Lowrance

Putting Children First by JoAnne Pedro-Carroll

A Complete Guide for Single Moms: Everything you need to know about raising healthy, Happy Children on Your Own by Janis Adams

Co-Parenting Works ! Helping Your Children Thrive After Divorce by Tammy G Daughtry

The Business of Co-Parenting For Single Moms by Merissa Grayson and Angela Muse

Need to get medical care to your child? Click here to use this form to give someone authority to authorize medical care for your child.

Below you will find some co parenting books for fathers. You can think about purchasing one for hime or letting him know there are books available on the subject that would be useful for both of you .

Mediate, Don’t Litigate. Going to court to resolve legal disputes is stressful, expensive and time consuming, consider an alternative, this book will provide detailed information on settling a divorce with out going to court.

Mediate, Don't Litigate

Temporary Child Support and Parenting Plan

Temporary Child Support and Parenting Plan

Building a Parenting Agreement That Works

Building a Parenting Agreement That Works

The Co-Parenting Survival Guide:

Your Right to Child Custody, visitation, and Support 4th Edition

Divorce: Co-Parenting

52 Things Kids need Dads For

How to be a Good Divorced Dad

Wednesday Evenings and Every Other Weeekend from a Divorced Dad

The Kingdom Man

Buy this for your childrens father to read. It explains how important the male role is in families, the explanation of how men are not stepping up to the plate of responsibilities, financially, emotionally, and in the lives of their children, wives, girlfreinds. It is a call for all men to stand up to the test, and be a kingdom man.